MinutemenToy Soldiers, King & Country, Figarti, Thomas Gunn, Britains, Collectors Showcase, John Jenkins, First Legion
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How to Order

Well, if you've come to this page you must be thinking about ordering something. That's a good thing!-
How to Order:


  • Send an email with the items listed that you would like including the quantity, item description, and catalog code.
  • Phone:Call (617) 462-5431 and place the order directly with George.

  I normally respond to all emails the same day (unless I am out of town attending a show). If you do not hear back from me within a day, please feel free to call me direct at the number below. MSN has told me from time to time emails do not get through to me, so please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
George Guerriero
Minutemen Toy Soldiers
35 Pilgrim Village Road, Unit #902
Taunton, MA 02780
(617) 462-5431

Need to place an order or ask a question?
Email: gguerriero@msn.com
Alternate Email: georgeguerriero@aol.com
Payment methods:


  • Credit Card: We accept Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. You can phone or email your CC# to us and we will bill your order when it is ready to ship.
  • Paypal to gguerriero@msn.com
  • Checks/Money orders payable to Minutemen Toy Soldiers


  • Orders up to $100.00; shipping is $7.00
  • Orders $101.00 and above; shipping is free

    PLEASE NOTE: Free shipping does NOT apply to large terrain items, buildings and playsets. For these items shipping will be billed at actual cost. Also, free shipping DOES NOT apply to sale items and close out specials,
    the prices on those items are already reduced. Finally, international shipping is at cost via USPS priority international mail rates, free shipping DOES NOT apply to international orders.

If you receive an item from me that is damaged or defective, I will provide you with another one, please report any issues within TEN days of receipt of the item. If you do not wish to receive a replacement, a store credit ONLY will be issued, NO refunds. The damaged or defective item needs to be returned to me regardless. If you wish to return an item for ANY other reason than it is damaged or defective after TEN days of receipt of the item, NO refunds will be allowed, store credit only. ANY unauthorized returns at any time are subject to a 25% restocking fee, store credit ONLY, NO exceptions to this policy.